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Roasted Turbot with Red Wine Sauce

Roasted Turbot with Red Wine Sauce

A great fresh tasting dish, using the finest fresh Turbot, easy to make and a certain a way to impress your dinner guests without the need to spend hours in the kitchen. 

With a prep time of only 5 minutes and a cooking time of only 10 minutes, this is a great quick and easy meal. 



● 1 x 1kg Turbot filleted (for 2-3 people)

For the sauce 
●  100ml of red wine (or 200ml if not using port)  
●  50ml of port (optional)  
●  50ml of cream  
●  50g of butter (diced, kept cold)

For creamed sweetcorn (optional) 
● 1 tin of sweetcorn
● Cream
● Spring onions (sliced)

 Other (optional)

● Mushrooms (sautaed) 
● Green beans

You can also use fresh Brill for this recipe


1, Place the turbot portions on a buttered tray, season and brush with melted butter. Place under a hot grill for 2 min then into an oven at 180c for 6-8min or until cooked.

2, While the fish is cooking make the sauce. Pour the wine and port into a small pan and reduce over a high heat until the liquid begins to look sticky, add the cream and bring back to the boil.

3, To finish the sauce, whisk in the diced butter a little at a time, do not let the sauce boil while adding the butter (best to move the pan off and onto the heat as you whisk in the butter).

4, Also while the fish cooks, you can make a base of creamed sweetcorn, by mixing the corn into some cream, and boiling. Add some sliced spring onion and it's ready to serve.

5, To serve, spoon a pool of the red wine sauce in the centre of the plate, add your sweetcorn if included, and place a piece of cooked Turbot on top.

Some sautéed mushrooms and green beans make a good further accompaniment to this dish.


To order Turbot - Click Here

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